The NorthStar Values
Sports Teach Character. Right? Not necessarily. Depends on what you mean by character. ​
John O'Sullivan in Every Moment Matters, makes the case that sports develops 'performance character' - that is, traits such as 'grit, resilience and self-discipline' but that the best ball skills, shooting technique, tactical awareness, etc, by itself does nothing to develop 'moral character' - such as integrity, respect, and caring. 'Only coaches who intentionally focus on them will develop moral character in their athletes.
Our NorthStar Values are for our coaches and for our players.
For coaches the values serve as a reminder of the higher purpose that we want them to bring to their coaching. Our values highlight not only moral/character development but the importance of spiritual development at NorthStar.
For players the values provide them a language framework that will take them through the team experiences and different coaches. We hope it will provide a unifying feature for their NorthStar experience. Most of all we hope the NorthStar values will point our players to faith in Christ and prepare them success in life and guide them to become ethical and caring adults.
"Studies show that the longer you play and the higher levels you attain, the more morrally and ethically callous players become." -Joe Ehrmann, 'InSideOut Coaching'.
The NorthStar Values From A Players Focus Are:
Responsible - A commitment to own the consequences of your own actions
How Responsibility looks on an individual focus level: Am I doing my best to be prepared and contribute well to the team by: practicing at home, showing focus in team practices, taking care of individual equipment, being on time for practices and pre-game warm up with all equipment ready.
How Responsibility looks on a team focus level: Am I encouraging my teammates to be responsible by my example and by the way I talk and interact with teammates when coaches and parents aren't around?
Resilient: - A Commitment to learn from mistakes and develop strength through the process
How Resilience looks on an individual focus level: Am I practicing a growth mindset (my mental and physical abilities are not fixed, through practice and effort my abilities can grow)? Do I recover from mistakes or circumstances and keep working, or do I become defeated (and angry or discouraged) when encountering difficulties?
How Resilience looks on a team focus level: Am I setting an example of Resilience for my teammates? Do I encourage teammates through their mistakes and through challenges the team faces (or to do I show frustration and criticize)?
Reverent: - A Commitment to Honor God in all things.
How Reverence looks on an individual focus level: Do I seek to honor God first and foremost in my life? Recognizing that I live my life before him - even when parents parents, coaches, teachers do not see? Do I have Integrity to honor God in how I live even when others do not see? Is my relationship with God characterized by trust in Christ or by my own attempts to earn a standing before Him?
How Reverence looks on a team focus level: It is easy to say we honor God. The proof is always in how we treat others. Do I show kindness and patience and actively promote the well-being of all - teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, and spectators - not only when they treat me well but even when I feel they have mistreated me?